Azim Premji has invested Rs 75 crore in Tata Capital. The investment was made into non-voting preference shares of the company through PremjiÂ’s private investment arm PremjiInvest and the Azim Premji Trust. Azim Hasham Premji and Azim Premji Trust jointly own 24.2 per cent of the preference shares of Tata Capital as on March 31.
PremjiInvest is a one billoin investment fund and have been making investments into the Tata group. Last year it had channeled $24 mn into Trent, the retail arm of Tata Group and became the second largest shareholder in Trent after Tata Group. Other organisations that have received investments from the same include Healthcare Global Enterprises (HCG), Fab India, National Stock Exchange and Carnation Auto.
Azim Premji Trust is an irrevocable trust which finances various activities of the Azim Premji Foundation. Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for-profit organization and has worked largely in rural India with state governments to help improve quality and equity in school education.
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