Category: Infrastructure Finance

Innovative means to infra finance

Innovative means to infra finance

Over the past few years, the government has changed its policy strategy from establishing institutions to creating mechanisms. Innovative methods can unlock financial potential better for the infrastructure sector, writes Dhruba Purkayastha. The much-hyped one trillion dollar investment required for infrastructure sector in India has been publicised well by the government as a huge investment opportunity.

IDFs are yet to take shape in the country

IDFs are yet to take shape in the country

It would be purposeful for taking steps towards simultaneously developing IDF and bond market, says SK Goel, Chairman & Managing Director, IIFCL, Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDFs) are yet to take shape in the country as the infrastructure bond market is in its nascent stage. Till infrastructure bond market develops, IDFs may not find adequate avenues for investment and on the contrary till IDFs evolve, the infrastructure bond market may find it difficult to attract sufficient investments.

IDF should address asset-liability mismatch

IDF should address asset-liability mismatch

The government should explore various options that can nurture IDF in an industry-friendly way, writes Vivek Rao. While conceptually Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDFs) would be very attractive for all stake­holders of the infrastructure sector including private sector developers, banks as well as the gover­nment, IDFs would have to address certain challenges.

Bailout has no tangible reform measure

Bailout has no tangible reform measure

The recently announced restructuring plan will lower crushing debt burden of discoms and will support merchant prices which have been impacted due to inability of discoms to purchase power, discusses A Shivkamal. The debt restructuring for discoms is seen in many quarters as a well-pitched scheme designed after careful consideration of the recommendations of the 12th Finance

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

The Central Government's financial debt restructuring plan for state distribution companies (discoms) is a well thought-out scheme. The restructuring plan takes into account the fiscal consolidation roadmap suggested by the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) and exerts minimal stress on states' fiscal profiles, writes Devendra Kumar Pant.

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

The Central Government's financial debt restructuring plan for state distribution companies (discoms) is a well thought-out scheme. The restructuring plan takes into account the fiscal consolidation roadmap suggested by the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) and exerts minimal stress on states' fiscal profiles, writes Devendra Kumar Pant.

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

The Central Government's financial debt restructuring plan for state distribution companies (discoms) is a well thought-out scheme. The restructuring plan takes into account the fiscal consolidation roadmap suggested by the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) and exerts minimal stress on states' fiscal profiles, writes Devendra Kumar Pant.

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

The Central Government's financial debt restructuring plan for state distribution companies (discoms) is a well thought-out scheme. The restructuring plan takes into account the fiscal consolidation roadmap suggested by the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) and exerts minimal stress on states' fiscal profiles, writes Devendra Kumar Pant.

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

The Central Government's financial debt restructuring plan for state distribution companies (discoms) is a well thought-out scheme. The restructuring plan takes into account the fiscal consolidation roadmap suggested by the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) and exerts minimal stress on states' fiscal profiles, writes Devendra Kumar Pant.

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

Minimal stress on states’ fiscal consolidation path

The Central Government's financial debt restructuring plan for state distribution companies (discoms) is a well thought-out scheme. The restructuring plan takes into account the fiscal consolidation roadmap suggested by the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) and exerts minimal stress on states' fiscal profiles, writes Devendra Kumar Pant.