Category: Infrastructure Finance

SPV to build broadband network

SPV to build broadband network

A special purpose vehicle (SPV) with equity participation from BSNL, MTNL and other public sector units such as RailTel, Gail and PowerGrid, amo­ng others, will undertake the 20,000-crore project to build a national broad­­band network to take high-speed internet to the hinterlands.

IIFCL infra credit scheme

IIFCL infra credit scheme

The credit enhancement scheme of India Infrastructure Finance Company (IIFCL) may be delayed further, as the finance ministry has asked the state-run lender to try it out for a few months before final launch.

IDFC infra bonds

IDFC infra bonds

Infrastructure Development Finance Co (IDFC) will raise at least Rs 100 crore from a foreign institutional investor via five-year bonds at 9.15 percent, marking the first deal after easing of the overseas borrowing norms.

FIIs to get flexibility in infra bond investments

FIIs to get flexibility in infra bond investments

In a move to stimulate the foreign flows into infrastructure bonds, the Finance Ministry has eased norms for foreign institutional investors (FIIs) for investing in long term infrastru­cture bonds. To lure FIIs, it has reduced lock-up period on such holdings to one year from three years for a five-year bond for overseas institutions investing up to $5 billion in infrastructure bonds.

Corp Bank plans infra debt fund

Corp Bank plans infra debt fund

Corporation Bank said it is drawing up plans to float an Infrastructure Debt Fund (IDF) and will soon approach its boa­rd for approval. The bank plans to pa­r­­tner with other interested players for floating such an infra fund. Earlier, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) allowed banks and non-banking financial co­m­panies (NBFC) to sponsor IDF, which can be set up as mutual funds and NBFCs.

Indian EPC 2011: Driving growth efficiently

Indian EPC 2011: Driving growth efficiently

As with all ideas that promise (relative) speed, simplicity and quality, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) has caught on quickly.The order books of the over 150 players in the arena are bulging, and there is increased interest in this sector from experienced foreign players who have made their India foray, new to the sector Indian conglomerates as well as pan-Indian infrastructure developers.