Home » Hydel project dev policy approved in J&K

Hydel project dev policy approved in J&K

Hydel project dev policy approved in J&K

The Jammu and Kashmir government has approved the Hydro Electric Project Development Policy 2011 to harness huge hydel potential of 20,000 MW. Union Power Minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde said that the policy approved by the government is a multi-pronged strategy for setting up the power projects purely as state projects, through the joint venture mechanism in PPP mode and on Built, Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis. A roadmap has been dra­wn up for generating around 6,000 MW during next 10 ye­ars in the state. Three projects with a total capacity of 329 MW are expected to be com­m­issi­oned in the state dur­ing cur­rent year. Currently, pro­jects being executed in the State are the 2,120 MW Pakadul, Kiru and Kawar being taken up in joint venture with NHPC and PTC. The JVC has been inco­rporated and has sta­rted fun­ctioning. Another 820 MW Rattle pro­ject is allotted to one IPP thro­ugh inter­na­tional tariff based bidding on fast track and is lik­e­ly to be commissioned in 2017.

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