In Hyderabad, the authorities concerned have initiated steps to repair the main road opposite the St. AnthonyÂ’s Church to Mettuguda junction, which is in a bad condition. Media had exposed the bad condition of the stretch. The process of sanction of estimates and calling for tenders to take up repair work of the stretch will be at the earliest, the authorities concerned said.
The officials said that permission to cut the stretch between the church and the junction was given to L&T Metro Rail on the condition that works would be taken up in such a way that excavation would not affect the operational safety, functional integrity of the road and also not cause interruption of traffic flow. The L&T Metro Rail, Hyderabad, has to carry out the road cutting works by following the set conditions.
However, the State Roads and Buildings Department has decided to start the process of calling for tenders to repair the stretch, the officials said.
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