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McNally Bharat Engineering: The golden years

McNally Bharat Engineering: The golden years

MBE is celebrating 2011 as its Golden Anniversary year (1961 -2011). MBE started in a small way in 1961 as McNally Bird in Kumardhubi in Dhanbad about 220 km from Kolkata, where it manufactured equipment for the coal and mining industry. Since then MBE has established itself as a multi national, multi-location and multi-product company. As an EPC company it is present in power, steel, mining, coal, non-ferrous metals, port, cement, oil & gas, and other infra­structure sectors.

McNally Bharat Today

MBE is one of the leading and profes­sionally managed EPC contractors in India with a team of over 1,800 engineers pro­viding solutions in basic and detail engine­ering; manufacturing of key equip­ment; project management; construction, erec­tion and commissioning of plants; quality assurance and surveillance; after-sales ser­vice; O&M; and adopting state-of-the-art process technologies and products.

MBE has executed more than 300 pro­jects as an EPC contractor in varied sec­tors in coal and power, mining and metals, ferr­ous and aluminium, iron and steel, ports and shipyard, industrial cons­truction, wa­ter management, roads, cem­ent etc.

Pillars of Strength

Design Engineering: Over 500 engi­neers provide design and engineering ser­vices covering civil, structural, electrical, utility, instrumentation and automation. MBE is equipped with latest engineering software and 3D modelling design inte­grated with ERP through PLM Solution.

Manufacturing: The manufacturing subsidiary, McNally Sayaji Engineering, has a combined capacity to fab­ricate over 50,000 tonne of equipment annually.

Project Management: MBE is one of the few companies in India that uses Primavera enterprise applications. All pro­ject sites are connected through VPN & VSAT network.

Construction Capability: Over 900 engineers are employed at various cons­tru­ction sites. MBE has in-house cons­tru­ction capability with own equipment and manpower.

Centralised Supply Chain Management: A team of over 50 exper­ienced purchase managers, vendor relations engineers and quality control engineers ensure timely pro­curement and supply of right quality mate­rials and equipment to various project sites.

Research & Development: The Research & Development (R&D) Department in MBE undertakes R&D activity in association with renowned insti­tutions including CMERI Durgapur, Indian School of Mines Dhanbad, National Metallurgical Laboratories Jamshedpur, Indian Institute of Minerals Bhubaneswar, Structural Engineering Research Centre Chennai, etc. MBE”s subsidiary company EWB Hungary has tied up with Technical University of Budapest for R&D in pneu­matic, ash and other powdery materials handling. MBE has a Centre of Excellence with qualified design engineers for implem­enting design automation with PLM and 3D modelling analysis software.

Resource Inventory: MBE has a large inventory of con­struction machinery oper­ating at various sites and can un­dertake construction of large projects.

Subsidiary Companies

McNally Sayaji Engineering (MSEL), manufactures crushing and screening equi­pment, grinding mills, material handling equipment, open cast mining equipment, port and shipyard cranes, mineral proce­ssing plants, pressure vessels, heat exchan­gers, thickeners, slurry pumps, floatation cells in its four factories at Kumardhubi, Asansol, Bangalore and Vadodara.

MBE Mineral Technologies (formerly KHD Humboldt Wedag CMT) has the process knowhow and experience of desi­gning mineral beneficiation plants and coal washeries using both heavy media and jigging processes. It is the global leader in jigging technology with its patented “BATAC” and “ROMJIG”, widely used for beneficiation of coal, iron ore and other minerals.

EWB Kornyezetvedelmi Kft Hungary is one of the leading pneumatic conveying and ash handling solution providers in the world and has over 45 years of experience in bottom ash, coarse ash and fly ash han­dling technologies.

McNally Bharat Infrastructure (MBIL) was set up as an independently run Design Engineering Consultancy Division to work for various important engineering and infrastructure projects.

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