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Steely growth

Steely growth

India is putting in place measures to fast-track economic growth. Core industries like steel will play a substantial part in this growth if the next decade has to really belong to India.

All Aboard

All Aboard

Growing air travel bodes well for the sector. All that is required is for the necessary infrastructure to keep pace, lest it fall far behind. India´s civil aviation industry is on a high-growth trajectory. Currently the ninth largest aviation market in the world, with a market size of around $16 billion

Thinking Afresh

Thinking Afresh

A quality transition to the planned expansion will require a huge capital investment in electricity, railways, roads, ports, airports, irrigation, water supply and sanitation systems.

Delay in airports´ modernization

Delay in airports´ modernization

The modernization of Chennai, Kolkata and two other airports is set to get delayed with the last date for private parties interested in participating in the bidding process being extended by more than two months.

PPP model of airport development lauded

PPP model of airport development lauded

Public-private partnership (PPP) in the development of airports has been flagged as ´one of the significant achievements´ in the civil aviation sector, in the Economic Survey 2014-15. The Survey points out that the PPP model has led to a significant improvement in infrastructure and in collection of revenue.