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Tag: Association of Multimodal Transport Operators of India

Hard infrastructure has to be backed by soft infrastructure

Hard infrastructure has to be backed by soft infrastructure

We should have had it 20 years ago, but we still don´t have it. It was thought of when the Congress was in power and it was the BJP which was the principal opponent to it. Now when the BJP is in power it is the Congress which is the principal opponent. Our national parties need to come to terms over what is good for our nation and leave their individual stands aside.

Ports, Ahoy!

Ports, Ahoy!

India, due to its long coastline, is richly endowed with natural maritime advantages. The countrys 7,500 km coastline covers 13 states and Union Territories. A number of ports along the long coastline lie along key international trade routes. There is huge potential even for inland water transport.