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Companies show strong interest in banking venture

Companies show strong interest in banking venture

According to informed sources, over 100 entities have shown interest in venturing into banking business following the release of the final guidelines by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It may be recalled that in February 2013, the central bank released its guidelines for licensing of new banking operations and invited applications for licenses before July 1, 2013

Bank credit to infra projects may suffer under Basel III

Bank credit to infra projects may suffer under Basel III

A recent report by ratings agency Icra said bank credit to infrastructure sector may be affected by the norms of the Basel- III regulation. Credit to infrastructure is long-term in nature, while the deposits of banks is short-term to medium-term. This raises asset-liability mismatch. According to the Basel-III norms, banks must maintain a strict net stable funding ratio (NSFR), which is designed to ensure that long-term assets are funded with

RBI chief discusses license norms with house panel

RBI chief discusses license norms with house panel

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor D Subbarao recently discussed the final guidelines on new bank licenses with the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance. The guidelines were issued by the central bank recently to allow corporate houses and public sector entities with “sound credentials and a minimum track record of

Bandhan may launch banking venture

Bandhan may launch banking venture

Agency report indicates that Bandhan Microfinance plans to foray into banking sector in order to cater to the un-banked and rural areas. The microfinance institution (MFI) feels that it meets all the criteria specified in the final guidelines released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI

RBI defers Basel norms for currency derivatives

RBI defers Basel norms for currency derivatives

In a notification, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said it delayed the implementation of Basel-III regulations for currency derivatives segment to January 2014. The central bank postponed the implementation for the segment pending resolution of norms regarding trade settlement. But the RBI said the new capital adequacy requirements will be implemented from April 1. In view of the shift in the start date of Basel III implementation, all ins

BRICS to set up development bank for infra projects

BRICS to set up development bank for infra projects

At the recently concluded BRICS summit in Durban, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa decided to set up a development bank to finance infrastructure projects in these countries. But the countries have not decided the size of the proposed bank, leaving it to finance ministers to nego

Banks taking efforts to spruce up deposits

Banks taking efforts to spruce up deposits

In view of sluggish growth in deposit, banks are aggressively selling deposits during the last fortnight of the financial year 2012-13. Banks collectively raised about Rs 1 lakh crore in the fortnight ending March 8. To be specific, aggregate deposits, including demand and term deposits, rose Rs 99,1

SBI gets Rs 30 bn capital infusion from govt

SBI gets Rs 30 bn capital infusion from govt

In a move that raised the shareholding of government in State Bank of India (SBI) to 62.31 per cent from 61.58 per cent, the centre infused Rs 3,004 crore capital into the bank. The countryÂ’s largest lender, in return, alloted 12.9 million preferential equity shares at Rs 2,312.78 a share to the government

Home loan borrowers shift lenders

Home loan borrowers shift lenders

Media reports indicate that several home loan borrowers have moved their loans to banks that are offering lower rates (especially SBI) owing to cost advantage. The movement of existing home loan borrowers from one bank to another is happening at a time when the overall growth for the industry is flat, some analysts opine. A sha

Govt to sell Rs 150 bn worth bonds every week

Govt to sell Rs 150 bn worth bonds every week

According to the government borrowing calendar for Apr-Sep 2013, the centre would issue Rs 150 billion worth bonds on an average every week during the six months. Thus, in the first six months of the next financial year, the government would borrow Rs 3.49 trillion or 60 percent of the full-year gross target. On a net basis, the g