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Race against time

Race against time

Evolution of e-tailing has opened up numerous business opportunities for allied services like warehouse management, 3PL services, and first-mile and last-mile delivery.

Hitting the road

Hitting the road

Investing in an infrastructure project isn´t really glamorous, more so if it happens to be a still developing economy like India that needs to first create some basic infrastructure. A new road project or a thermal power plant many not excite as much as investing in a cutting-edge technology start-up in India´s own Silicon Valley, Bengaluru

Equipment Equations

Equipment Equations

The Indian CE industry has witnessed substantial growth in the last two decades, albeit fluctuating between highs and lows. The reasons are not hard to find - prevailing uncertainties in the global economy and slowing down of infrastructure projects.

Tracking Railways´ Performance

Tracking Railways´ Performance

Indian Railways has long been groaning under its own weight. How much longer will it be before the government can turn things around? Indian Railways, or Imperium in imperio, as the giant lifeline of India

Piping hot

Piping hot

During the Eleventh Plan period (2007-2012), domestic players exceeded the planned capital expenditure outlay. They invested Rs 2,751.6 billion, 120 per cent of the planned target of Rs 2,289.9 billion.

Pushing for growth

Pushing for growth

The potential is enormous when you look from a macro perspective. In India only about 20 per cent of organisations look at warehousing services from a supply chain point of view, whereas globally the average is over 60 per cent.

Growth in Store

Growth in Store

Over the past couple of decades, the warehousing industry in India has evolved from the traditional concept of a ´godown´ - a small structure with four walls and shed - to a modern-day automated set-up which offers efficient inventory management and value-added services.