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Revival of Indian ports

Revival of Indian ports

Currently, the maritime sector is one of the important investment arenas for private parti­cipants; this is directly improving the efficiencies and revenue generation of Indian ports. What are the specific areas of investment?

Revival of Indian ports

Revival of Indian ports

Currently, the maritime sector is one of the important investment arenas for private parti­cipants; this is directly improving the efficiencies and revenue generation of Indian ports. What are the specific areas of investment?

Shale gas: The new kid on the energy mix block

Shale gas: The new kid on the energy mix block

While we have made good progress with CBM, shale gas presents an opportunity we cannot afford to neglect when looking at a viable option for our energy sufficiency. The government will soon come out with a policy on what is acclaimed as the newfound energy saviour.

Budget Analysis: Thumbs up … well, almost

Budget Analysis: Thumbs up … well, almost

The infrastructure investment will reach 8.37 per cent of GDP in the terminal year of the 11th Plan (2011-12). Net bank credit to infrastructure has increased by 59 per cent over previous year. However, total FDI inflows during April-November 2010 were 26.67 per cent lower compared to the inflows during the same period in the previous year.