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Govt sticks to revised fiscal deficit target

Govt sticks to revised fiscal deficit target

Economic Affairs Secretary Arvind Mayaram informed that the government would not overshoot its revised fiscal deficit target of 5.3 percent in 2012-13. Earlier, Finance Minister P Chidambaram said this year fiscal deficit will be 5.3 per cent, instead of the budget estimate of 5.1 percent.

Wanted: Double-engine pull!

Wanted: Double-engine pull!

The way for Indian Railways to capture back some of the market lost to roads is through privatisation. Although the intent is there, privatisation of rail logistics is a while away because the fundamentals, including documentation formats, do not exist.

Expertspeak: Integration and differentiation needed

Expertspeak: Integration and differentiation needed

Did the MA 2020 miss the proverbial bull’s eye, or is there an explanation beyond bureaucratic and ministerial walls to the fact that there is still no serious mention of connectivity and integration of interests, and of treating shipping and ports differently?