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Traction Ahead!

Traction Ahead!

The Railways has sizeable capex plans for the five year period 2015-19 involving a capital outlay of Rs.8.56 trillion. The annual capital outlay for FY2016-18 was increased significantly to meet the five-year targets. NITI Aayog has also finalised the three year action agenda (2018-20).

Railways on Overdrive

Railways on Overdrive

While all the pressure to build a railway network in India in the mid-nineteenth century came from London, it is well into the 21st century that pressures of a very different kind are at work in modern-day India.

Expertspeak: A standards problem

Expertspeak: A standards problem

It's not the scale alone that will drive costs in rail and especially metro rail, Rajeev Jyoti tells us: It's also standardisation and improved technology. The Indian Railways is currently visualising Dedicated Freight Corridors