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Revamp of Kochi port stalled

Revamp of Kochi port stalled

Cochin Port Trust’s propo­sed projects have been facing clearance issues from the Navy with respect to the height of the proposed installations in the flying funnel area in Willingdon Island.

New policy in the offing

New policy in the offing

The government was in the process of formulating the New Telecom Policy (NTP) 2011, which will override the existing policy announced 11 years ago.

The coast is closer now

The coast is closer now

The Coastal Regulation Zone’s latest amendment is mired in controversy. On one hand, many sections of the industry, especially the builder lobby are terming it progressive.

Protecting coal bearing areas

Protecting coal bearing areas

State governments have been advised not to build mega projects or allow large super structures over coal-bearing areas as the coal ministry feared that such a move would sterilise at least 20 billion tonnes of the dry-fuel reserves and aggravate coal shortage in the country.

GMB's EOC operationalised

GMB's EOC operationalised

An emergency operations centre (EOC) came into force in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on 26 January. The facility will provide virtual eyes to Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) and help it to monitor all the activities in the Gulf of Cambay (Khambhat).