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Vox Pop: Investors warm up to govt moves

Vox Pop: Investors warm up to govt moves

Going forward, a 25-28 per cent growth is envisaged in the cold storage industry. Even so, it will be a while before prices are arrested, exports of cold storage commodities take off, and indeed, before a heady rush of private participation is a reality, say the industry’s practitioners and best experts.

Evolving PPP project predictability

Evolving PPP project predictability

The government is framing a national policy for public-private partnership (PPP) in infrastructure projects to elimi­nate inconsistencies in the ru­les and make infrastructure att­rac­tive to foreign investment.

Objecting 26 per cent profit to locals

Objecting 26 per cent profit to locals

The coal ministry has objec­ted to a proposal to make it mandatory for mining firms to contribute a portion of their profits towards local area devel­opment, as it will erode valua­tion of firms and dampen inves­tor sentiment.