The fortnightly service launched by Bengal Tiger Line (BTL) caters to the agro-industrial heartland of central Tamil Nadu, Karaikal and Puducherry in India. BTL recently launched a container feeder service between Marg Karaikal Port in India and Colombo, Sri Lanka. It is a fortnightly call, every other Friday, and will later bec
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Tag: MARG Karaikal Port
BTL launches new feeder service
Bengal Tiger Line (BTL) would initially launch a fortnightly feeder service between Marg Karaikal Port and Colombo. The service would be upgraded to weekly as volumes stabilizes, an official release from Karaikal Port said. In its first call, the vessel Tiger Bridge carried 1,900 Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) cargo to Karaikal Port, whi
MARG Karaikal Port becomes plastic-free
MARG Karaikal Port has become a plastic-free zone on the occasion of World EnviroÂnment Day 2012 celebrated on 5 June. As part of the World Environment Day celebrations
MARG Karaikal Port becomes plastic-free
MARG Karaikal Port has become a plastic-free zone on the occasion of World EnviroÂnment Day 2012 celebrated on 5 June. As part of the World Environment Day celebrations
CONCOR service to Karaikal Port begins
The first train carrying shipping containers from the Tondiarpet facility, near Chennai, of Container Corporation of India (CONCOR) reached the Marg Karaikal Port at Karaikal, 140 km from Puducherry, on 19 October.
Karaikal Port bags Rs 2bn PE investment
The Bangalore headquartered private equity (PE) firm Ascent Capital has decided to invest Rs 2 billion in MARG Karaikal Port. The funds will be used for the MARG Karaikal Port Phase 2A expansion plans which will enhance the port's capacity from the already plaÂnned expansion of 21 mmtpa to 28 mmtpa and involves an additional capex of Rs 6 billion.