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Treading the slippery path

Treading the slippery path

Efficiency enhancement through pricing and non-pricing methods is the need of the hour in meeting our energy adequacy. With India's energy efficiency estimated to be the fifth lowest in the world, there is a trem­endous scope to improve efficiency. Depend­ence on oil imports is expected to rise.

China bank to fund Indian infra

China bank to fund Indian infra

Just as the world’s largest bank in terms of profit, market capitali­sation, and customer deposits ve­ntured into India last month with plans to fund the infra­structure sector, the Indian gov­ernment also gave its nod to Indian com­panies to raise loans up to $1 billion in Chinese yuan.

RBI: Moderate growth, inflation to remain firm

RBI: Moderate growth, inflation to remain firm

High inflation and the consequential policy rate increases are likely to impact domestic growth in the future, said the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its Financial Stability Report. A slowdown in investment demand and the slackening global