The Tamil Nadu Highways Department plans to build a new and wider bridge across the Cooum near Ampa Skywalk on Poonamallee high road at a cost of 8 crore. The new bridge will be broader than the road and make traffic flow smoother. The Highways Department has floated tenders for the construction of what will be the third 'high level bridge' over the river. The bridge, at road level, will be at a height of 9.5 m from the riverbed and will be 47 m long.
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Tag: Tamil Nadu Highways Department
Work to begin on Vadapalani flyover in Chennai
The Tamil Nadu Highways Department is to commence work on a flyover on Jawaharlal Nehru Salai in Chennai. The Rs 69.4-crore facility will come up over the Vadapalani junction and the central portion will be integrated with the Metro Rail station, which will be the highest elevated station. A separate bay will be constructed inside the station so that MTC buses can drop and pick up passengers.
Highway dept to widen road for Rs 98 cr
The Tamil Nadu Highways Department would carry out a Rs 98 crore project to widen a 22-km stretch of the Chennai-Tiruvallur High Road into four lanes. Once completed, the width of the section, between Padi and Thiruninravur, will increase from 10-12 metre to 20 metre. The department is expediting the demarcation of boundaries for the project, which remained on papers for sev
Highway dept to widen road for Rs 98 cr
The Tamil Nadu Highways Department would carry out a Rs 98 crore project to widen a 22-km stretch of the Chennai-Tiruvallur High Road into four lanes. Once completed, the width of the section, between Padi and Thiruninravur, will increase from 10-12 metre to 20 metre. The department is expediting the demarcation of boundaries for the project, which remained on papers for sev
Widening of Chennai’s Poonamallee High Road in progress
The Tamil Nadu Highways Department is presently widening a small but crucial portion of Poonamallee High Road near Aminjikarai. The 300-metre stretch is a major bottleneck as the road, which is broad in most places, suddenly narrows down in this part to a single-lane facility. Residents and shopkeepers in the locality said traffic was sluggish on this stretch during rush hour.
TN to take up patch-up work on CTH Road in Chennai
The Tamil Nadu Highways Department has sought funds from the State government for patch-up work of Chennai Tiruvallur High Road (CTH), on which commuters get harrowing experience. The proposed patchwork will definitely bring some respite to the road users.
TN plans to construct Rs 1,420 cr Chennai Peripheral Road
The Tamil Nadu Highways Department will shortly call for consultants to prepare a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the Rs 1,420 crore Chennai Peripheral Road project.