Home » Revised coal block clearance policy gathering pace

Revised coal block clearance policy gathering pace

Revised coal block clearance policy gathering pace

The Union Finance mini­stry has given an in-principle appr­oval to a new mechanism in which all regulatory clear­an­ces are to be obtained by the gov­ernment before coal blocks are auctio­ned to state-run or private co­mpanies, thus conc­luding the debate on 'go' and 'no-go' areas for mining of coal.

If accepted as policy, it will come as an im­mense relief to companies acr­oss sectors such as power, steel, ceramics and ce­ment which have been allo­ca­ted coal blocks but have not been able to dev­elop them, as an intense eco­logical debate rages. Companies now have to obtain multiple, time-cons­um­ing clearances-such as for po­llution, marine life, wildlife, forest, environment and reha­bilitation and resettlement (R and R), among others-before they can start developing and exploiting allocated mines. Securing all regulatory clear­an­ces take between three and six years. Such delays, mine alloc­at­ions are revoked on the gro­und of lack of progress.

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