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Air India’s hangar functioning reviewed

Air India’s hangar functioning reviewed

The Joint Secretary of Union Civil Aviation G Ashok Kumar visited the Air India maintenance, repair and overall (MRO) facility at the Trivandrum International Airport on November 19 to review the functioning of the recently installed facility.

Chief Engineer, AIE, HR Jagannath said that the joint secretary has been put in-charge of the MROs and wanted a first hand understanding of the issues pertaining to the MRO at Thiruvananthapuram.

Jagannath briefed Ashok Kumar about the various bottlenecks such as obtaining third party business, taxation and the like and Ashok Kumar has invited Jagannath to New Delhi for a more comprehensive discussion. Jagannath hoped that the Joint Secretary of Civil Aviation will help out and fuel the sector’s growth.

The Air India hangar, which started functioning early this year, has been undertaking wheels production (overall servicing of wheels) and routinely conducting phase check, which is done after every 500 hours of flying. AIE services at least three aircraft per week and is in the process of conducting an internal audit for starting breaks assembly, he said.

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