India’s crude oil-laden oil tanker vessel MT Desh Shanti reached Vizag Port Trust (VPT) in the early hours of September 18. The oil tanker of the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) was detained by the Iranian authorities for almost 26 days and now finally reached the VPT in the eastern coast of India.
The 1.40 lakh tonne crude oil-laden vessel was received by the port and SCI officials at the offshore tanker terminal of the port. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL) Vizag Refinery said that the HPCL consignment was only 45 to 50 tmt, with the remaining meant for some other destination. He said the delays in receiving crude oil from the vessel would not hamper the company’s operations or cause any losses.
MT Desh Shanti was coming from Basrah in Iraq but were detained by Iranian authorities on August 13 while it was crossing Iranian waters on the pretext of environmental damage.
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