Reiterating that the Maharashtra government is committed to complete the Navi Mumbai international project on priority basis, the State Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan reviewed the progress of work on the project on February 6.
Chavan was informed about the delay in resolving the compensation package to the project affected farmers with whom several rounds of talks had been held earlier. The Chief Minister is understood to have directed CIDCO Chairman Pramod Hindurao to convene a meeting between the representatives of those affected by the project and state officials to discuss the issue of compensation to the affected villagers/farmers.
Chavan said that Hindurao would convene the meeting of the representatives of the project and government officials and ensure that the issue is resolved on priority without any further delay, Hindurao said.
Starting the project at the earliest is in the interest of the country, the CM said. The total project cost now was around Rs 14,500 crore, phase-I was costing around Rs 9,000 crores, out of which pre-development cost of airport was about Rs 4,000 crore — towards preparation of airport site, covering land acquisition, land development, etc, the CIDCO chairman said.
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