The Maharashtra government has asked the Railways to formulate a plan for an elevated corridor on the Harbour line, connecting south Mumbai to the upcoming international airÂport in Navi Mumbai.
The proposal envisages buiÂlding of an elevated corridor via P D'Mello Road which runs parallel to the Harbour line up to Wadala. The elevated corridor will cross over the Harbour line tracks at Raoli junction. Additional linÂes, either on surface or elevated, will have to be laid up to Vashi and beyond. People worÂking on the proposal suggest that tracks can be laid on the vehicular bridge above Vashi creek which is no longer being used.
According to a Central Railway official, the project is technically feasible as there is no space constraint. Since the government itself is keen on the elevated corridor, the proÂject may not face any hurdles as far as land acquisition is concerned.
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