Home » GAIL clinches cheap gas import deal

GAIL clinches cheap gas import deal

GAIL clinches cheap gas import deal

GAIL India managed to clinch a deal to import natural gas from a US-based company for deliveries from 2016-17 at the Henry Hub-benchmarked price, which is lower than the Japanese Crude Cocktail (JCC). This is a remarkable achievement for India because so far all import deals signed by Indian companies were at a price calculated as a certain percentage of JCC.

JCC is the nickname for Japan Customs-cleared Crude, the average price of customs-cleared crude oil imports into Japan. It is a commonly used index in long-term liquefied natural gas (LNG) contracts in Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

GAIL has contracted import of 3.5 million tonne annually at the Henry Hub-benchmarked price. Henry Hub is the pricing point for natural gas futures contracts traded on the New York Mercantile Excha­nge. It is a point on the nat­ural gas pipeline system in Louisiana and spot and future prices set at Henry Hub are generally seen to be the primary one for the North American gas market.

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