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Smart Buildings Summit 2015 takes off…

Smart Buildings Summit 2015 takes off…

Buildings today are complex concatenations of structures, systems and technology. Over time, each of the components inside a building has been developed and improved, allowing modern-day building owners to select its features independently. Smart buildings go well beyond just using smart materials and protocols.

Sea-change at our Sea-ports

Sea-change at our Sea-ports

The Indian port sector is likely to gain traction with the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Government´s strategic thrust on ´Make in India´. With this campaign, the manufacturing sector

Pushing the Railway Behemoth

Pushing the Railway Behemoth

When we talk about infrastructure in India, what should come to our mind first is Indian Railways, but it doesn´t, because we seem to have taken the railways for granted. Indian Railways (IR) has the largest rail network in Asia

Pvt cos taking huge interest in projs: Smart City Council

Pvt cos taking huge interest in projs: Smart City Council

The government is moving faster to boost its urban development mission as it plans to splash a whopping Rs 98,000 crore. Today, the cabinet has approved the creation of 100 smart cities with an outlay of Rs 48,000 crore. The projects will be completed by 2022 under the public-private-partnership model.