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Shale Gas: The unlikely alternative?

Shale Gas: The unlikely alternative?

The government’s plan for bidding out the shale gas blocks for exploration has been postponed till 2013, and it seems India is in the dilemma of how to take its shale gas initiatives forward in policy. The delay points to a debate on the environmental hazards. Given the greater likelihood of groundwater contamination, will shale gas be a reality in the near future? Sudheer Vathiyath explores.

Rs 120 bn refinery in AP

Rs 120 bn refinery in AP

Amerind Petroleum (Amerind) proposes to set up a nea­rly Rs120 billion petroleum refinery near Visakhapatnam, in joint technical collaboration with the US-based American Industrial Corporation (AIC).

More premium bids for NHAI

More premium bids for NHAI

All 4 bids opened on negative VGF exceeding estimation by far. NHAI opened four National Highway bids (on BOT) over the past two working days--three on Friday, 18 November and one on Monday, 21 November. The four have all been on premium, also called negative Viability Gap Funding (VGF) of varying amounts.

HPCL to revive Vizag refinery

HPCL to revive Vizag refinery

With a keen interest to revive $10 billion refinery-cum-petrochemicals project at Vizag in Andhra Pradesh, Hindustan Petroleum Corp (HPCL) is in talks with BP Plc and Total SA of France.

MAT will inhibit export growth

MAT will inhibit export growth

GMR Group is one of the few developers that is gung ho on SEZs. Their Rs 26,000 crore SEZ, coming up in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, is being constructed at full pace in the face of scepticism and uncertainty regarding SEZs in the country.