The Tamil Nadu Highways Department would carry out a Rs 98 crore project to widen a 22-km stretch of the Chennai-Tiruvallur High Road into four lanes. Once completed, the width of the section, between Padi and Thiruninravur, will increase from 10-12 metre to 20 metre. The department is expediting the demarcation of boundaries for the project, which remained on papers for sev
MOU signed between NBCC and Hindu College for development of “Centre for Advance Studies”
NBCC Signs MoU with Sahakari Awas Nirman Evam Vitt Nigam Ltd. for land development in Lucknow
REC Limited Commits ₹8.44Crore Under CSR to support 1MW solar photovoltaic power plant in the Gandhigram Rural Institute, Tamil Nadu
REC Commits ₹2.01 Cr Under CSR to Support Procurement of Health Equipments in Raipur, Chhattisgarh
RECPDCL Handovers Rajasthan IV 4A Power Transmission Limited, a Transmission Project Special Purpose Vehicle to Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
REC Limited Commits Rs. 2.92 Crore Under CSR to Enhance ITBP Medical Infrastructure
Global investors are eyeing India’s infrastructure sector
Infrastructure Experts to Debate Viksit Bharat at Infrastructure Today Conclave in Delhi
IIFCL Launches Strategic Document to Support Green Infra
REC Reports Record Half-Yearly Profit of ₹74.48 Billion
RAHSTA to submit policy recommendations to NHAI
Roads & Highways Builders book RAHSTA Expo
Are Projects facing a 90 percent barrier?
RAHSTA Forum sets the stage for groundbreaking discussions in roads infra
NBCC sells office/commercial space worth Rs. 14,800 Crore approx
RAHSTA Forum to kick off road and highway expo journey
Infrastructure Experts to Debate Viksit Bharat at Infrastructure Today Conclave in Delhi
Land Pooling Sinks under Flip Flops!
Gods or Demi-Gods cannot prevent a stampede
Highway dept to widen road for Rs 98 cr
The Tamil Nadu Highways Department would carry out a Rs 98 crore project to widen a 22-km stretch of the Chennai-Tiruvallur High Road into four lanes. Once completed, the width of the section, between Padi and Thiruninravur, will increase from 10-12 metre to 20 metre. The department is expediting the demarcation of boundaries for the project, which remained on papers for sev
Govt panel discusses PPP models in coal sector
On April 9, 2013, a government-appointed committee met for the first time to discuss various public private partnership (PPP) models in the coal mining sector. Union Coal Minister Sriprakash Jaiswal informed this in Lok Sabha recently
Govt aims to award 30 port projects in FY14
Union Shipping Minister GK Vasan informed a parliamentary consultative committee in Mumbai that the ministry aims to award 30 projects worth Rs 24,633 crore in 2013-14. These projects may increase capacity of ports in the country by 288.48 million tonne, the minister said. Further, the minister pointed out that the achie
IIT recommends all weather port at Nagapattinam
The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras recommended the Tamil Nadu government to develop the proposed port at Nagapattinam as an ‘all weather, deep water, direct berthing port. The state government would conduct the bidding process for the Rs 380 cr project based on reco
NHAI to award 4,000 km of roads in FY14
The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) plans to award up to 4,000 km of roads through EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contracts in 2013-14, largely to overcome the funding issues in the BOT –– build, operate and transfer –– contracts. The authority still has to chart a plan for the BOT segment that generated a meek response from the companies.
Govt to create 280 mn t cargo handling capacity in FY14
Union Shipping Ministry plans to create cargo handling capacity of 280 million tonne (mn t) at major ports in the country mainly through the public-private-partnership (PPP) mode during 2013-14. In 2012-13, the port awarded 32 port projects with a predictable investment of Rs 6,700 crore. Speaking at the 50th National Maritime Day celebrations, Union Shipping Minis
Govt to create 280 mn t cargo handling capacity in FY14
Union Shipping Ministry plans to create cargo handling capacity of 280 million tonne (mn t) at major ports in the country mainly through the public-private-partnership (PPP) mode during 2013-14. In 2012-13, the port awarded 32 port projects with a predictable investment of Rs 6,700 crore. Speaking at the 50th National Maritime Day celebrations, Union Shipping Minis
Finance Minister’s target said to be unrealistic
Industry watchers feel that the target for project implementation given by Finance Minister P Chidambaram to the shipping ministry for 2012-13 is unrealistic. The finance ministry gave a target of achieving a total investment of Rs 35,000 crore and a capacity addition of 244 million tonne during the year. The shipping ministry has managed to achieve 18 per cent of the targeted inves
JNPT revokes cancellation order against DBC
At a recent meeting, the board of trustees of Jawaharlal Nehru (JN) Port decided to continue with the agreement of DBC Port Logistics to operate a container freight station (CFS). The port management was authorized by the board to consider levying a penalty on DBC as a deterrent against potential contractual breaches