Industry body of shipping companies complain that the Light Dues charged by the Customs Department on containers carried on decks of ships docked in all the major ports raises costs of operation. Therefore, the Container Shipping Lines Association (CSLA) plans to request the Shipping Ministry to intev
Budget 2025: Key Highlights
Budget 2025: Key Announcements Impacting Real Estate
Rs 1 trn Urban Challenge Fund to Boost Infrastructure
FM Unveils Major Initiatives for Bihar in 2025 Union Budget
Budget 2025-26: Industry reactions
Budget 2025-26: Rs 1 lakh crore fund to transform cities
Budget 2025-26: India’s startup ecosystem gets Rs 10,000 crore Fund of Funds
NBCC Celebrates 76th Republic Day at Its Headquarters
RECPDCL Handovers HVDC Transmission Project’s SPV viz. Rajasthan Part I Power Transmission Limited to Adani Energy Solutions Limited
15th Cement EXPO: A Step Forward in Cement Innovation
MOU signed between NBCC and Hindu College for development of “Centre for Advance Studies”
NBCC Signs MoU with Sahakari Awas Nirman Evam Vitt Nigam Ltd. for land development in Lucknow
REC Limited Commits ₹8.44Crore Under CSR to support 1MW solar photovoltaic power plant in the Gandhigram Rural Institute, Tamil Nadu
REC Commits ₹2.01 Cr Under CSR to Support Procurement of Health Equipments in Raipur, Chhattisgarh
RECPDCL Handovers Rajasthan IV 4A Power Transmission Limited, a Transmission Project Special Purpose Vehicle to Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
REC Limited Commits Rs. 2.92 Crore Under CSR to Enhance ITBP Medical Infrastructure
Global investors are eyeing India’s infrastructure sector
Infrastructure Experts to Debate Viksit Bharat at Infrastructure Today Conclave in Delhi
IIFCL Launches Strategic Document to Support Green Infra
Till December, freight loading of SER rose 4.56%
During the April -December 2012-13, freight loading by South Eastern Railway (SER) rose 4.56 percent to 92.16 million tonne (mn t) as against 88.14 mn t during the year-ago period. Till December 2012, the performance of SER surpassed the target laid down by Railway Board. The divis
JICA agrees to lend Rs 200 bn for mega corridor project
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) agreed to lend JPY 295 billion (about Rs 20,000 crore) for the two routes in the proposed Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC
Freight handling rises 5.3% for Indian Railways
The revenue earnings freight carried by Indian Railways expanded 5.30 per cent to 565.37 million tonne in the current financial year up to October 2012
India to get $975 mn WB loan for rail project
The World Bank (WB) has signed a $975 million loan agreÂement with the Indian government to build part of a massive freight railway line connecting north and eastern India. India is infusing huge investment into overhauling its ageing infrastructure network,
Financing a behemoth can mean new schemes
The Indian Railways is the world's fourth largest freight carrier, controlled by a single management. he Indian Railways operates around 14,000 trains everyday, out of which 8,900 are passenger trains and 5,100 are freight trains.
Vox pop: Seamless integration with ports possible in 10 years: Experts
Expert analysis and opinion on rail logistics in India is typically cautious. A resignation over its status quo seems to pervade our industries.
Policy to connect mines faster
The Ministry of Railways has announced a new policy for conÂnecting coal and iron ore mines by rail.
HPCL brings Euro IV to Hyd
Visakha refinery of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL) will supply Euro-IV-compliant petrol from April 2010.