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DMIC garners Korean interests

DMIC garners Korean interests

Infrastructure majors of South Korea are keen to participate in the $90 billion Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC), being built with the financial and technical help of the Japanese government.

DoT draws up ambitious blueprint for sector

DoT draws up ambitious blueprint for sector

The department of telecommunications (DoT) has drawn up a draft strategic plan and believes that spectrum management review should ta­ke into account the global tre­nd of licence-exempt allocations.

Expertspeak: Integration and differentiation needed

Expertspeak: Integration and differentiation needed

Did the MA 2020 miss the proverbial bull’s eye, or is there an explanation beyond bureaucratic and ministerial walls to the fact that there is still no serious mention of connectivity and integration of interests, and of treating shipping and ports differently?

Pressure and opportunity

Pressure and opportunity

The government appointed AK Hazarika as CMD of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) with effect from 1 February 2011 for a period of three months on ad hoc basis.