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S N Subrahmanyan, CEO & MD, L&T: Automation and digitalisation is the new normal

S N Subrahmanyan, CEO & MD, L&T: Automation and digitalisation is the new normal

Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) that L&T is constructing which will be the country’s longest sea bridge is one of the best examples of the extent of digital technology has been adopted. The team surveys the site using drone photogrammetry to monitor progress, and digital solutions for project monitoring, P&M & material tracking.  S N...

Use Technology, Build Roads Quicker

Use Technology, Build Roads Quicker

With ambitious plans for road construction, it is necessary to build a robust system to execute construction of durable roads at a quick pace. INFRASTRUCTRE TODAY, in a quest to dig out more information on road building and management, brings its readers the latest technologies on a platter.

Divining intervention

Divining intervention

Nearly a fifth of the country’s land is rich in commercially viable mineral deposits, but without proper prospecting policies, mining has not always been scientific. The government is now wooing foreign players into prospecting and mining in India,