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No toll fee hike for users of Electronic City elevated highway

No toll fee hike for users of Electronic City elevated highway

A pleasant surprise awaits thousands of techies who take the elevated highway to Electronic City in Bengaluru from July 1 they will not have to shell out extra money as toll fee. Contrary to the customary 6-7 per cent annual hike in toll fee, there will be a downward revision this year for users of the elevated highway that connects Central Silk Board Junction with the Electronic City Junction on the Bengaluru-Hosur stretch. While the monthly pass rates have reduced marginally, the rates for single journeys and multiple journeys (per day) remain unchanged. Though Bangalore Electronic Tollway Private Limited (BETPL) has not specified the reason for not effecting the hike, sources attributed it to a directive from the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). ´It was a policy decision not to increase the toll fee,´ a NHAI official said while refusing to elaborate.

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