Category: Aviation & Airports

First pvt regional airports

First pvt regional airports

Regional Airport-Holdings International (RAHI), a private airport developer, announced that it will invest around Rs 3,000 crore in over 15 aviation infrastructure and services projects across the country over the next five years.

MAT will inhibit export growth

MAT will inhibit export growth

GMR Group is one of the few developers that is gung ho on SEZs. Their Rs 26,000 crore SEZ, coming up in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, is being constructed at full pace in the face of scepticism and uncertainty regarding SEZs in the country.

MAT will inhibit export growth

MAT will inhibit export growth

GMR Group is one of the few developers that is gung ho on SEZs. Their Rs 26,000 crore SEZ, coming up in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, is being constructed at full pace in the face of scepticism and uncertainty regarding SEZs in the country.

JNPT plans mega terminal

JNPT plans mega terminal

In a bid to raise its capa­city by 8-10 million TEUs, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, India's largest container port, plans to build a mega terminal at Nhava Sheva.

Elevated rail corridor

Elevated rail corridor

The Maharashtra government has asked the Railways to formulate a plan for an elevated corridor on the Harbour line, connecting south Mumbai to the upcoming international air­port in Navi Mumbai.