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Infrastructure in NE to get booster

Infrastructure in NE to get booster

The North Eastern states have stressed on development of infrastructure for improved connectivity and rural transformation for development, according to Planning Commission.
The government would take proactive

ITI to pump in `2,380 cr for biz revival

ITI to pump in `2,380 cr for biz revival

ITI is planning to invest over Rs 2,380 crore to re-start its manufacturing units and
diversify into other businesses. The proposal to clear these funds for ITI's revival is with the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR

Landmark: Chennai Desalination

Landmark: Chennai Desalination

While Chennai city was implementing several water conservation measures, the scarcity in availability of water had to be addressed through augmentation of supply. It was in this context that the city turned to an alternative source - sea water

JNNURM needs to be a programme, not a project

JNNURM needs to be a programme, not a project

With the somewhat partial success of the first round of JNNURM, the Mission hopes to leverage the advantage of learning experiences, both of its success and stumbling blocks, as it gears up to address many more cities in the second round.

Hydrocarbon: Fuel for Growth

Hydrocarbon: Fuel for Growth

Having established its credentials in the refinery sector, Essar Projects- Hydrocarbon Strategic Business Unit (SBU) plans to position itself as a leading Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) sector player in the petrochemicals, fertilizer and gas value chain.

Case Study: Innovation and exemplary precision

Case Study: Innovation and exemplary precision

The project team of Essar Projects India completed the installation of derrick supporting structure modules (a total of three) in Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) at Essar's Vadinar site for refinery expansion project, using an innovative erection technique.



This is surely the first time we've 'carried over' our editorial comment from a previous month. Yet the subject of land acquisition seems to brew and brew like a well-spun yarn of suspense, through twists and turns, sometimes acting on vagaries and sometimes on political reactions to pressures.

120 projects stranded

120 projects stranded

The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) standing committee is sitting on about 120 development project proposals related to the city's infrastructure.