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GoM to review clearance norms

GoM to review clearance norms

A 12 member Group of Min­isters (GoM) will review the existing rules rel­ating to forest clearance as environmental cle­a­­ran­ces were proving to be a hurdle for industrial develo­pment. The GoM will suggest changes in existing statutes. The move was triggered by the ongoing turf war between Envi­ronment Minister Jairam Ram­esh and several other ministries over him denying clearance for proje­cts on environmental grou­nds. Tribal Affairs Minister does not figure in the list of members, though the agenda lists three predominant issues that are to be considered by the GoM, including efficacy and legality of existing forest clearance nor­ms, environm­ental clearance in respect of projects in areas of high Compre­hensive Environ­mental Pollut­ion Index (CEPI) and steps to be taken to ensure quality fore­sts are regenerated after mining operations are over. The GoM will consider all issues relating to reconci­liation of environm­ental conc­erns and finalise recommend­ations with­in two months.

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