To improve road connectivity in Punjab through building railways over/under bridges, the State government has set aside Rs 318 crore. The government has planned to build a total of 14 ROBs and RUBs with the sum. Work on 9 under construction ROBs/RUBs are already set to be completed and they would be dedicated to the people of Punjab in next two months.
Sharanjit Singh Dhillon, Punjab Minister for Public Works Department revealed this in Chandigarh on January 24. He said the government has given its approval to the 14 new ROBs/RUB’s after a comprehensive survey of the traffic density on all National and State Highways and after identifying bottlenecks the state government has given its approval to 14 more ROBs/RUBs.
Giving the details of planned ROBs/RUB’s, Dhillon said that an endeavor has been made to construct ROBs/RUB’s in Malwa, Doaba and Majha regions of the state as per immediate requirement of each region.
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