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Not enough credit enhancements

Not enough credit enhancements

While in theory, the idea behind setting up IDFs is sound, the two structures proposed by the Ministry of Finance at present do not appear to have enough credit enhancement mechanisms to bring in domestic and foreign long term institutional investors, says Amit Dinakar.

Banks should be nodal agencies to IDF

Banks should be nodal agencies to IDF

S Vishvanathan, MD and CEO, SBI Capital Markets, explains why the regulators of IDF have taken a rather cautious approach in developing it, and suggests that banks can take on the initial risk and then pass it on to IDFs-thus retaining the asset throughout the project.

The New PPP Policy: The devil lies in the detail

The New PPP Policy: The devil lies in the detail

The government recently decided the PPP policy needs clarity and drafted a new one. The new document, however, dwells too much in generalisations. A reward/disincentivisation should be a necessary part of awards, say Amit Kapur and Vishnu Sudarsan.

Treading the slippery path

Treading the slippery path

Efficiency enhancement through pricing and non-pricing methods is the need of the hour in meeting our energy adequacy. With India's energy efficiency estimated to be the fifth lowest in the world, there is a trem­endous scope to improve efficiency. Depend­ence on oil imports is expected to rise.

Canada Special

Canada Special

In the last year, several province-level delegations have visited India and explored opportunities in infrastructure and other domains. On 11-12 November, C-IBC's Canada-India Business Forum in Mumbai hopes to attract investors to Indian infrastructure, services and natural resources.

Sowing seeds in the right land

Sowing seeds in the right land

Sameer K Bhatnagar presents an investment landscape for Canadian companies to invest in India and outlines the major sectors where opportunities lie. These are interesting times for infrastructure com­panies in India.

New JNNURM in 12th Plan

New JNNURM in 12th Plan

The Plan panel said the government is working on a new Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) during the 12th Plan, aiming to fast track infrastructure development in cities.

Mah offers sops to port, cargo proj

Mah offers sops to port, cargo proj

In order to boost investment in small port, multi-purpose je­tty and cargo terminal pro­jects, the Maharashtra gove­r­­n­ment has granted an eight-year holi­day on non-agriculture (NA) tax and exempted NA clea­­­­rance norms of land acq­ui­sition for the projects.