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NTPC Enters JPY 50 Billion Loan Agreement with JBIC

NTPC Enters JPY 50 Billion Loan Agreement with JBIC

In the first funding for NTPC Ltd under Japan Bank for International Co-operation (JBIC)’s Global action for Reconciling Economic growth and ENvironmental preservation (GREEN) operation, India’s largest power producer on Wednesday entered into a foreign currency loan agreement with the Japanese Government’s financial institution for JPY 50 billion (nearly $482 million or Rs 35.82 billion).

Funding Dichotomy

Funding Dichotomy

The population surge, rapid urbanisation, and the consequent congestion have time and again fuelled the ´need for speed´. Mass rapid transit system like the metro rail has dawned as a panacea in this regard.

Japan may expand infrastructure tie-ups

Japan may expand infrastructure tie-ups

The promise of faster decision-making and emphasis on infrastructure has Japanese investors excited, and they are ready to bank roll and provide expertise to develop India´s physical infrastructure.

Land Bill is a concern for Japanese investors

Land Bill is a concern for Japanese investors

The financial champion of the much-hyped DMIC is largely tight-lipped about it. Shin Oya, Chief Representative, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), tells Shilpi Aggarwal why his country may be waiting for the next general elections, is guarded on some questions but has no hesitation to say why the Indian government must treat ECBs better,