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The Bailout Plan

The Bailout Plan

Is the Indian Railways chugging towards a gargantuan bailout? Startling as it may sound, the question is within the realms of plausibility given the lumbering behemoth's financials.

Japanising Indian Rail

Japanising Indian Rail

Taking precedence from Japan which heralded the ´bullet train´ legacy in 1964, the world began to partake of this ´race against time´. High-speed rail (HSR), which uses an integrated system of specialised rolling stock and dedicated tracks, can significantly enhance the connectivity and trade between major cities in a country.

Towards a Safer Future

Towards a Safer Future

JSPL is dedicated to transform the dream of safe and high speed trains into reality
Covering 65,000 kilometres, carrying 25 million passengers and over 2.8 million tonne of freight daily, Indian Railways is the important means of transport in India today.

West Bengal to map State highways

West Bengal to map State highways

To prepare a detailed web-based geographic information system (GIS) mapping of around 4,500 km of highways in West Bengal by March 2014, the State Highway Development Corporation (WBHDC) has involved IIT-Kharagpur, National Informatics Centre (NIC) and Rites.

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