Home » Concor looks for land to set up logistics parks

Concor looks for land to set up logistics parks

Concor looks for land to set up logistics parks

Container Corporation of India (Concor) is looking for land to set up three multi-mo­dal logistics parks at Dur­gapur, Dankuni and Siliguri. Accord­ing to Sanjay Swarup, Group General Manager (Inter­national Marketing) of Concor, the parks will have facilities for container yard, modern contai­ner han­dling system, warehou­sing and even banking. They will look to offer complete solu­tion towards the efficient flow of raw mat­erials, in-process inv­entory and finished goods.

For Durgapur and Dankuni, land is with the Railways and Concor is in talks with them. For Siliguri, it is planning to discuss with  the Siliguri Jal­paiguri Dev­elopment Aut­ho­rity, Swarup said.

Contact: Container Corp of India
Tel: 011-41673093-96
Email: co.pro@concorindia.com

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